
Where Strategy Meets Productivity

Your Team Can Make Your Company More Profitable

Create a compelling vision for your organization, achieve greater engagement, establish a thriving culture and have the tools to execute. The outcome? An aligned, focused and accountable team that delivers real results.

StratPro is different from other strategic planning programs because:

  • StratPro includes both forward-thinking strategic planning and accountability-driven implementation

  • StratPro starts with an “MRI of your business” which identifies gaps in your business and improvement opportunities

  • StratPro incorporates the industry-leading Business Builder’s Blueprint™ to guide the workshop exercises and the accountability-driven execution of your plan


What You Can Expect

  • Your entire organization will be working towards a common vision and a common set of goals.

  • Your organization will be in alignment.

  • Employees will be more satisfied with their jobs. As a result, they will be more productive.

  • With improved job satisfaction and productivity, the culture of the business will improve. Work will be fun and meaningful again – for everyone.

  • The leadership team will experience less stress and find a renewed commitment to the business.

  • You will become focused on the strategic aspects of the business rather than be subject to the tyranny of the urgent.

STRATPRO Process Overview

Workshops can be done as often as every 2 weeks or at a pace that fits your organization. Each workshop follows a structured format, designed to solicit the best thinking from your leadership team. As the workshops progress, the leadership team will get more aligned toward a common vision, with a concrete plan and process to get them there.